Have some Easter fun with your children by simply using potatoes to print Easter Eggs. You can carve different shapes and patterns into the potatoes, use different colours or practice counting skills as they stamp away. Why not create some cute Easter cards for friends and family?
It’s great to provide our children with lots of fun activities to keep them entertained but so much learning can be involved too without you even realising it! Lots of activities can be extended to support their learning and development and you as their parent or carer are the key element!
Here’s how this activity could link into the Early Years Foundation Stage…
Communication and Language – Talk about shapes, sizes, colours. Use descriptive language such as bigger, smooth, lumpy, round, slimy.
Physical Development – Allow your child to have a go with cutting the potato. It doesn’t have to be perfect; having a go will help develop their fine motor skills which all leads to early writing skills! Allow your child to paint the potato themselves then stamp the potato onto the paper.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Talk about healthy eating and how many different ways you could cook a potato. Talk about washing hands after the activity, promoting hygiene routines. Praise your child whilst they are carrying out the activity which will lead to good self-esteem and confidence.
Literacy – Extend your activity by reading an Easter story or make some signs for an egg hunt in the garden, encouraging your child to make marks or write a word.
Mathematics – Count the eggs as they print, talk about shapes, sizes and the patterns.
Understanding the World – Extend the activity by planting your own potatoes in the garden.
Expressive Arts and Design – Create patterns with the potatoes, allow your child to express themselves with the paint, feel it and above all get messy!

Forest Friends is based at Squirrel Wood, Doncaster, DN6 9FE and offers a completely outdoor playgroup, weekly classes and story trails with a variety of activities including mud kitchen, bug hunting, rope swings, den building, hammock, crafts and much more! Click below to view what’s coming up…
What’s coming up at Forest Friends…