Nature is our Teacher
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Nature is our Teacher

The best classroom and richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky – Margaret McMillan

Who enjoys nature? I certainly do. I love nothing more than to go for a long walk in a beautiful woodland setting along with my dog Tex. But who really enjoys nature? I mean taking the time to stop and admire that mushroom on the woodland floor, listen to that Robin singing in the tree, or smell that fresh crisp natural air on a winters morning?

When you’re out and about, are you too busy scrolling on your phone to notice what nature has to offer? Or are you busy thinking about what to make for dinner that evening or tomorrow’s meeting at work? Next time you’re out for a walk, take the time to put your phone away, clear your mind, take a deep breath and admire what nature has to offer.

The outside world has so many benefits, be it for our physical or mental health but it can also be a great teaching tool for our young children too. Take the time to teach your children to love the natural world; go on a bug hunt, count the different birds you can spot, or go on a scavenger hunt collecting sticks, pebbles, conkers or leaves.

You could use your collected items to sort by size, weight or colour. Look at the different textures each item has and talk about where they came from; the different trees and seeds such as acorns, pinecones and conkers are all ways in which trees reproduce.

Take a small tub and spoon out to collect bugs; taking a close look at them to identify them, count how many legs they have, and talk about what they might eat.

Nature can really be the best teacher and even more it’s all free and sitting on your doorstep; so venture out, put your phone away, take a deep breath and enjoy all of natures treasures!

Forest Friends offers lots of outdoor experiences all within a natural woodland environment; to view the latest timetable

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